Info product MECHANICAL PACKINGS Engineered solutions for every industry. from FDA-approved pump packings packings to severe chemical service, we provide the most advanced technology available. Sepco master distributor, other major brands represented. : Extreme high Temperatures (up to 1, 000 degrees f, plus) Pressures: Extreme high pressure valve-stem packings; Braided packing for extremely high-speed shafts Sizes: Cross-sections from 1/8 inch squaRe to 2 inches square Chemical Compatibilities: pH range from 0 to 14 (full chemical range) A pride when we can be part of the development effort and your business with a wide range of products and services from us. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. strap. For BOOKINGS/INFO contact: GLORIOUS JAYA Arapik PACKING HP: HP: HP 0812 1280 1185 0857 8261 4337:0812 1051 0423 Head Office: Shops Glodok Jaya Lt. II Block D – 12 Jakarta Email: [email protected]